How I do 75% of my shopping – for FREE!

I will soon be transferring this blog into a self-hosted domain!  This is a very exciting time for me, and I so appreciate all of my followers, whom I hope will continue to benefit from my blog.  Let me know if there is anything I can focus on within my niche (pregnancy, fitness, nutrition, product reviews relating to those topics) that you would like to know more about on, and I will do my best to research your questions and provide you with the hottest news/information available.

I’d like to also announce that I will be adding a category to Knocked Up and Fit – again, soon to have a new name (The Fit and Frugal Homemaker) – that has to do with frugality/shopping/deal hunting!  I know this is a huge thing for most of us mamas and mamas to be, and I recently have rediscovered my passion for it, which is why I’m showing you how I snag 75% of my shopping for FREE.

I hope you enjoy the video – I’m sorry there are a few glitches in the clips, I promise I’m not having a spaz attack, although I do tend to blink an awful lot. 😉